Nation on the March

Nation on the March
Nation on the March

Apr 19, 2010

Interesting tweets from Paulo Coelho

I follow him as a tweeter myself (@deepak_taunk). 

He posted these in last 24 hrs.

  • 19/04 The simple things are also the most extraordinary, but only the wise can see themabout 1 hour ago via CoTweet
  • We burned so many forests, so “ashes fly back into the face of him who throws them” (African proverb) about 18 hours ago via web
  • Save the planet? Planet must be saying, "Save yourself idiots, I will be fine" about 21 hours ago via web
  • Let's delete the arrogant "save the planet" motto, and change to "educate the humans" about 23 hours ago via web
  • If 5 days ago I had a new book on how a volcano in Iceland paralizes Europe, ppl would say: "crazy non-sense rubbish!"about 24 hours ago via web

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