Recently I was browsing through one old classic from my book shelf, printed in 1932 in London, by Strong & Redlich and a very interesting section on Shakespeare told me so much for the first time.
Here it is :
“ …To be told that Shakespeare is the greatest writer who ever lived,and then to start upon a play which perhaps at first conveys nothing to us is a bewildering ( and quite unnecessary) experience. We have been led some how to expect that every sentence we read will be a sample of the best writing in the world - which is, of course, nonsense. Shakespeare is the greatest writer in the virtue of whole of his work, the amazing sum total of it all, not because every line is perfect. Often he reaches heights which are beyond the reach of all others. Often and often he reaches heights which others could reach only now and then.
But when all is said and done, he is the king of writers, because no other has so wide a range, or understood so much: and because his work is not a haphazard total of all the things he ever wrote, but a complete thing in itself: a single huge poem, developed, natural and finished. Shakespeare ( did not go on writing till the day of his death, though he died in early middle age (52 years to be precise) . He had definitely retired ( at the age of 47) , and ceased to write, because he knew consciously or instinctively, that his work was finished......
By 1597 (when he was 33) he had made enough money to buy the biggest house in his town (Stratford)......

Shakespeare is the universal writer. His friend Ben Jonson truly said of him that ' he writ not for an age but for all time'. For all time, for all nations: yet he was careless of his manuscripts, and the first collected edition of his plays was not published till seven years after his death.... Centuries hence, when all our story belongs to history, to have produced Shakespeare may well be judged the greatest achievement of the English race"