I recently went for a routine health check and at the end, found the futility of doing so. Ride was bumpy like a roller-coaster, thrilling with anticipation and ending - unlike with the fun ride -with frustration.
It started with a visit to the general physician. Then a visit to the path lab for a series of pathological tests. Blood / urine samples and some tests were routine and simpler. Some were advanced and expensive but no success.
Then I went to radiologist. He did ultrasound, x-rays and even MRI-CT Scans.
The eye specialist was also energetic. He did basic check up and also deployed his speculum, tonometer, fundus camera, aberrometer, refraction and 20-20 and what not. No success.

The neurologist checked brains and nerves, did fluoroscopy , angiography, cerebrospinal fluid analysis, discography, and what not.Again, alas no success.
The cardiologist would not give up. So I went for ECG, Holter monitortest, radionuclide testing, electrophysiological study and so on. I was not surprised with no success here also.
I even checked with the immunologist to find out about some help through vaccines, shots, preventive, etc help.They are good about allergies and epidemics, as were my symptoms indicating.
I had thought that all these biochemical parameters testing, kidney, liver, lung, assessment, cardiac and neuropathic consultations, their peep into every vein and artery, brain and heart, bone and blood/urine dimension details would enable them to locate and treat ( better still - remove) my several ailments, diseases, indispositions troubling me ever since i grew up and which restrict the joy of living.
For example, I wanted to know where do my cheerlessness, combativeness, urge for a big revenge, apathetic indifference, hostilities, uncaring callousness, jealousy and rudeness, insensitivity and indifference, grudges and grumblings, ego blasts and moody disposition, insincerity and distrust, reluctance and recalcitrance, pretentiousness and ostentatiousness, contentiousness,,showmanship, dogmas and dis-beliefs, laziness and avarice, greed and hypocrisy. The list goes on and on.And periodically also grows on and own.
I thought when they see into the heart or brain, they will be able to locate the bunkers in which all these diseases reside, well protected, well nourished and ever-indulging and interfering with my thoughts and behaviour. And I unknowingly keep obeying their commands like a slave, sadly revelling in them.
I thought these experts and their tools would weed them out, burn them with a laser, put an incision through their sharp scalpel and chop it off, bypass them and create a healthy new route, put an artificial device/ stent, 'peace-maker', broaden the narrow heart and mind through baloonoplasty or whatever, stitch and sew, transplant, detox, clean the mess, etc.
But they smiled, gave me the bill and whisked me in a wheel chair to the parking lot.
I am back to where I started with lighter pockets but valuable wisdom: I will have to all this my self. I can do it.
Only I can do it.
It started with a visit to the general physician. Then a visit to the path lab for a series of pathological tests. Blood / urine samples and some tests were routine and simpler. Some were advanced and expensive but no success.
Then I went to radiologist. He did ultrasound, x-rays and even MRI-CT Scans.
The eye specialist was also energetic. He did basic check up and also deployed his speculum, tonometer, fundus camera, aberrometer, refraction and 20-20 and what not. No success.

The neurologist checked brains and nerves, did fluoroscopy , angiography, cerebrospinal fluid analysis, discography, and what not.Again, alas no success.
The cardiologist would not give up. So I went for ECG, Holter monitortest, radionuclide testing, electrophysiological study and so on. I was not surprised with no success here also.
I even checked with the immunologist to find out about some help through vaccines, shots, preventive, etc help.They are good about allergies and epidemics, as were my symptoms indicating.
I had thought that all these biochemical parameters testing, kidney, liver, lung, assessment, cardiac and neuropathic consultations, their peep into every vein and artery, brain and heart, bone and blood/urine dimension details would enable them to locate and treat ( better still - remove) my several ailments, diseases, indispositions troubling me ever since i grew up and which restrict the joy of living.
For example, I wanted to know where do my cheerlessness, combativeness, urge for a big revenge, apathetic indifference, hostilities, uncaring callousness, jealousy and rudeness, insensitivity and indifference, grudges and grumblings, ego blasts and moody disposition, insincerity and distrust, reluctance and recalcitrance, pretentiousness and ostentatiousness, contentiousness,,showmanship, dogmas and dis-beliefs, laziness and avarice, greed and hypocrisy. The list goes on and on.And periodically also grows on and own.
I thought when they see into the heart or brain, they will be able to locate the bunkers in which all these diseases reside, well protected, well nourished and ever-indulging and interfering with my thoughts and behaviour. And I unknowingly keep obeying their commands like a slave, sadly revelling in them.
I thought these experts and their tools would weed them out, burn them with a laser, put an incision through their sharp scalpel and chop it off, bypass them and create a healthy new route, put an artificial device/ stent, 'peace-maker', broaden the narrow heart and mind through baloonoplasty or whatever, stitch and sew, transplant, detox, clean the mess, etc.
But they smiled, gave me the bill and whisked me in a wheel chair to the parking lot.
I am back to where I started with lighter pockets but valuable wisdom: I will have to all this my self. I can do it.
Only I can do it.