Body Beautiful –VI
The Indian search for a “ convent educated bride “ +
The universal passion to expose the body in daily life
And remembering Yolande Betbeze Fox who showed the right way
There is an occasion to remember the 'convent education' today. Our discussion on body beautiful can not proceed further unless we stop and salute Yolande!
Around sixty years ago, one very beautiful girl in

A normal, regular, would-be mother-in law may not be able to take such a big bite, let alone chew it, when she goes for ‘bride-hunting” . Unless, of course, she is herself a “convent-educated” and an identical, grown-up version of the girl herself ( resulting in a truly a ‘made-for-each-other’ scenario).
But no hurry; Yolande can wait for a paragraph or two!
First let us recall the human perceptions of beautiful and ugly.
Our ancestors created statues and sculptures with ideal measurements and we started later on to re-sculpt, re-shape, re-model and re-fashion the visible body parts with artistic precision.
The driving force for all this madness is the human urge to look beautiful and to match those pre-set standards, notions and beliefs, to enhance their current state of beauty, to be noticed, to be admired, to impress others, to create envy in the eyes of the beholders and to satisfy own ego has finally contributed the missing element. But, sadly ( or gladly for some), this was not possible without exposing the body!

This urge to impress, at the most primitive, crude levels is visible in the males also, who walk around as self-appointed brand ambassadors for labels like 'Polo", " Wrangler", Levi's" ," Rebook", "Nike" etc.( tailor labels, once upon a time, used to be hidden in the shirts and trousers, visible only to the laundryman or the washer-woman)
In women, this urge to impress and invite attention and admiration appear to have reached a more striking extreme.
Images of semi-exposed female bodies are everywhere.

Their garments are selectively cut and stitched in a fashion that they can show off whatever they do not want to hide! No surprise, because most of the ladies tailors are males, at least in our part of the world.

As one looks around, it is visible across the cross-section of the society, castes, across age groups, income groups and rural urban landscape. It is every where, in the women-folk from Talegaon,
In case of sari, the area of the exposed body flesh and skin is increasing. The blouse is being designed liberally – majority of ladies tailors are males – and females catch fancy for them. Their mission to appear attractive, to be noticed and to be looked at is often successful and many a heads do turn and many a curious eyes do stare at them with some degree of fixation! ( and yet a whistle or two, if evoked by the dress is misunderstood and punished!)
In India , we take pride in calling ourselves a conservative society, in comparison to the west.
But over past several years, the stoll (or the dupatta or chunni), the essential neck wear for Salwar Kameez - normally worn across the shoulders and around the neck - and a symbol of modesty in the Indian society, has been tossed away for a spin by a good majority of emancipated females

Last in the least is something that was named - around 1823 to be precise - as "unmentionable, i.e. “what the grandma taught its daughters as things not to be mentioned or discussed in a polite society!”
It was supposed to be literally worn under the principal garments and hidden beneath layers of clothing.
As layers were peeled away in the 20th century, and as this progression developed, it has been transformed into an acceptable form of public dressing, blatantly appearing before Indian eye balls either in print media or on cinema and TV screens, often embarrassing a joint family viewing.
Yolande Betbeze Fox, saluted in the first paragraph, was an American beauty, and gave the world the true meaning of convent education and refused to expose the body.

That led the swim suit company, Catalina, to withdraw their sponsorship of the Miss America pageant and eventually brought about the creation of the rival Miss
The Miss America Organization has claimed that Yolande Fox's (then Betbeze's) actions were “pivotal in directing pageant progress towards recognizing intellect, values, and leadership abilities, rather than focusing on beauty alone. From then on the Miss America pageant concentrated more on scholarship than beauty” . Her actions gained foreign press attention, enhancing American interest, and did much for the future of Miss
Interestingly, the Miss America pageant is a long-standing competition which awards scholarships to young women.

The pageant presents itself as a "scholarship pageant," and the primary prizes for the winner and her runners-up are given scholarships to the institution of her choice.
Year 1951 proved to be notoriously paradoxical about body exposure.

While in
The New Year is round the corner.
There will be so much to happen, so much to observe,
so much to ponder about and …
always some thing to jot down on this blog,
God willing.