Aug 17, 2010

Loving our Mother....

Gujarat stands for garba and growth,
Bengal today thinks and showeth.
Assam loves its chai & bihu  
Punjab grows for country gehu.
Peace in Kashmir we sincerely try,
Goa we love for never being dry.
Tamilnadu the tradition keeper,
Andhra has its progress fervour.

Bihar we need for working hard,
Haryana, of course - milk and lard.
Maharashtra is where things happen,
Delhi is our political playpen.

Kerala gives us IT brains.
UP is the source of grains.
U want silk, Karnataka’s duty.
Jharkhand minerals, Chhattisgarh’s beauty.

 U think Himachal when u see apples, 
Visit Orissa for seashore & temples.
MP’s tribal base is its strength,
Rajasthan has Seths thruout its length.

Every state is diverse from other,
Yet we choose to stay with a single Mother.
In doing so we have strife and fun,
What does it matter if we still are one?

Penned by my Facebook-cum-family  friend
 - Debdutt Chatterjee, 15th Aug 2010